Baguio City
Baguio is located about 6 hours drive from Manila (250km) via Kennon Road, it is a nice place to get away from the hot days you normal have in the major city's with the avg temp hitting the mid 20 Celsius. So if your feeling the heat and are needing to cool off for awhile Baguio is the place for you to unwind and relax. It doesn't have much in the way of a night life that you have with other tourist places in Philippines but what it lacks in night life it makes up for with the climate an scenic views.There is also plentiful fruit and vegetables available here that you cannot find in other area's of the Philippines due to the climate such as strawberry's.
So if you do visit Baguio be willing for a lot of walking up an down as the city is literally built with the flow of the mountain one minute you can be going down an then have to start going up another hill. They have a a clothes night market there where you can find a wide variety of used clothing and some new, be warned it can get very busy like any other market in Philippines and be willing to push your way thru.
With it being so cool in Baguio expect to see lots of tourist local and Korean traveling there to get away from the heat, so on the busy season expect to have many others trying to escape the heat along side you.
So besides it being cold your wondering what else there is to do, well if you feel like checking out the views the best place to do so would be the mines view lookout. They have a decent sized market where they sell the local product of Baguio to the tourist so you will be able to pick up any souvenirs, but you can find the same items at the local market for a lower prices if your willing to walk around looking.
There is plenty of accommodation withing Baguio with a lot of the major chains having some sort of presence there to cash in on the tourism, but if going there during the peak season i suggest calling ahead as to not have to go looking around for a place to stay.
Getting to Baguio is rather simple there are many bus lines running there from Manila or surrounding city's in Luzon, you would be hard pressed to head north without the bus passing by Baguio. The other option is by driving yourself but i don't recommend it if your not experienced in driving within Philippines and the local traffic. All in all visiting Baguio is worth the drive especially if you want to Detox for the hot day's down in central Luzon.
#Baguio #ColdPhilippines #EscapeTheHeatPhilippines #ScenicPhilippines
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