Thursday, 3 July 2014

Helpful Words To Know In The Philippines

Ocean Park Manila
Now before heading to the Philippines it always useful to get some Tagalog words to help you along the way, thou it may not be needed most of the time since a great many people do speak English, it can help to break the ice when talking to someone or make you not come off that you just got there and easy to take advantage of. Even if you pronounce it wrong you will get a few laughs, they wont hold it against you and teach you to say it right.
Here is my list of essentials you should know:

  • OO (o-o): Yes
  • Hindi (Hin-Di): No
  • Siguro (Si-Gu-Ro): Maybe
  • Salamat (Sal-A-Mat): Thanks
  • Talaga (Tal-A-Ga): Really
  • Mahal (Ma-Hal): Expensive or can mean love depending on how you use it.
  • Ikaw (E-Kow): You
  • Ako (A-Ko) : Me
  • Gutom (Gu-Tom): Hungry
  • Busog (Bu-Sog): Full
  • Sarap (Sa-rap): Tastes or Feels good
  • Kumsuta (Ka-Mu-Sta): How are you
  • Saan (Sa-An): Where
  • Dito (Di-To): Here
Those are just a few of the useful words you can learn before heading there and they will help with talking with people. People there are friendly enough to teach you if your willing to learn and not difficult to pick up. But you have to change how you structure you sentence but that will be for another article. I found that if you try to learn to much of it you tend to forget some of it or it doesn't sink in.
So enjoy saying some Tagalog while you are there even if you say it wrong  people will appreciate you attempting to use it.

#Tagalog #TagalogToEnglish #UsefulTagalog

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